Saturday, August 23, 2008

To a Lone Bird on a Phone Line Outside Sevastopol, WI

Look mister, let's
get one thing straight.
Your attitude

needs adjustment,
you've got your beak
all bent outta shape

over what? Perching
there above the field,
feathers all dusty

and raggedy-ass
in the heat like
all this somehow

comes down to you?
I don't think so,
Mister I-don't-give-a

fuck!, Mister Lord-
Mister chirp aleck!

Let's face it.
no one wants to
hear any more of your

singing, that sweet
music you seem to

think is so god-
damned important,
we don't want

to hear another
peep! Smart ass!
You best get off

your high horse, mister,
if you know what's
good for you -- it's

high time you started
acting more like
a crow or a hawk

or even an owl,
for Christ's sake, not
some shrunken finch,

it's time you
acted your age. son.
I'll knock that

smirk right off
your beak! I swear,
you think I won't,

but I'm not afraid
to tan your tail
feathers, trim back

your little wing hard.
I mean it. I don't need
your sulking, your

judgement, your high
falutin' airs! Now,
stop acting so

sorry for yourself
and help me rake up
all this hay

before the sun
goes down.

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