Sunday, September 02, 2012


Hallelujah! Poetry, it turns out,
is not dead, I promise you. Reading this 
year's nominations you realize that 
it's not even on its deathbed hacking 
paroxysms of spittle and bile, no, 
our contemporary verse has taken 
a quixotic creep toward health -- nothing a
good six months of drinking green tea with 
ginseng and honey won't cure! This year we're 
calling for a dose of the elemental, 
yoga, meditation, brisk walks to restore 
the soul. So here's my Rx, dear reader, 
this year you'll find oodles of gloomy pantoums 
and an imitation of  Poe's "Ulalume"!
But in this new century poets are 
no longer enjambing the relics of 
our lives into familiar forms. Here you'll 
find the palaver of our xenophobic 
culture translated by Crazy Jim, and 
those whacky internet postmodernists
who present us with a parade of 
numbskulls and street ministries: fire eaters, 
torch singers, Venetian horses galloping 
in golden splendor, tattooed and gurning freaks 
pounding 16-penny nails into their flesh. 
Yes, the pantoum is reborn, reinvigorated, 
reconstituted, recapitulated, 
cleansed from the recent sins of poetry 
when the hybrid jingoistic linguists just 
spit any abstraction on a page, here, in 
this collection, beside the regenesis 
of -- dare I say it? -- the palindrome! 
Yes, our old childhood friend is back on the 
radar, need I refer you to these deleveled 
stackcats?  And for once no one in the country 
wrote a flippin' sonnet, Italian or 
otherwise, RIP my syllabic schemers, 
and while we're reading the obits let's bid 
a fond farewell to the narrative, finally, 
no apostrophes, no sestinas, no 
lyrical ballads, no elegies, no! 
Begone! It turns out that in this new century
there's no time for mourning these exhausted 
forms, no room for pettifogging meditations, 
no precious villanelles, they've all been hauled off 
to the ash leap of literary history, 
so long!, bon voyage, they'll be bulldozed 
into methane-wheezing landfills cherished 
only by misbegotten seagulls picking 
at the smoke-charred crematorium, 
no more love, no more lust, no more blessings, 
gone! Vamoose! No.This year it's all vituperative 
rants and monosyllabic chants, preternatural 
political rhetorics posited by 
post-Christian proselytes, and Occupy 
polemics hoisted on streetlights of the 
new American common ground, burning flags 
(there's even a typographical representation 
of the American flag -- a timely 
concrete poem if there ever was one! --
included in this volume), coffins of 
capitalists and the neo-captains of 
industry paraded through the city squares 
with blank verse mantras, chest-thumping poets 
demanding that someone, anyone, look not 
at the stars, Brutus, but ourselves. These poems 
collected here are not the byzantine beauties 
you're used to ogling, no, they're declarations, 
defamations, legal briefs, syllables 
scattered across the page like 52 pick-up, 
they're the skittering jalopies of 
hillbilly wordsmiths, punks drunk in their own 
neuroses, with form and content added 
on like this year's new infomercial gizmos. 
And so we can finally state that we've reached 
the acme of human achievement, readers, 
for there's no zeitgeist of meaning here, no, 
readers, these are vomited phrases, the 
curse of Babel, the scribblings of wanna-be saints 
and self-declared prophets and beatnik 
prattle-meisters, caveat emptor!, my friend, 
please read this year's offerings freed from the 
dead hand of the past, spurn them, rip them out 
and burn them if you must, for in this new 
era, this new time, our writers have resurrected 
us from all the -isms, with this new volume 
we're reborn with every droning delight, every 
plaintive chant, every carnival barker's 
promise, Step right up! Feast your eyes 
on platonic ideals once cherished for 
the ages now scrapped and sequestered to 
the reliquary! See the double-headed 
beast barking like a pathetic seal! See 
Lazarus, that great begrizzled bard,
bedazzle us with  his high-wire, death defying 
tropes! Enter if you dare, dear reader, and beware,
for the philistine ministers of culture 
are watching over your shoulder, safeguarding 
the temple of poetry, starving in 
their precious principles, imploring you, 
beseeching you, steer clear of this linguistic 
leprosy!, these expressions from ebola-
liquefactions gagging you and blinding 
you with their bombastic truth! Read on, 
dear reader, if you dare.  

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