Friday, August 17, 2012

|bi' get|

Let’s beget at
the beginning, baby, |
as in who begot whom
and who begot what –
before there were
voices, before there were words |
because the begetting
leads to begotten
and the misbegotten
and the begotten leads
to more begetting | see
it’s not a who story
or a why story or even
a where story, it’s
not even a story at all |
Scheherazade, it’s just
the begetting |
the endless begetting
because there’s a
lot of the begotten,
as endless as being gets,
get it? | If getting begetting
begetting be – you see
where this is headed,
don’t you? Whew! It’s |
as if begetting begetting
begot you and once
begotten the world begets
its infinite jest, its |
infinite space, its
infinite mind
all over the begetting
creation and begotten |
begotten – let’s
face it: it’s all good
for the begetting
getting our being gotten. |

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