Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I was driving to the prison
to see him, the underground lair 
of fluorescent oxbows and switchbacks, lost 
tributaries and dead-ends, Sanitation, 
Electrical, Emergency Exit,  
Death Row, Psychiatric Wing, Holding Cell, 
all monitored by cameras and controlled 
steel doors that open and close as I drive 
deeper into the complex.  Execution 
by Lethal Injection on the left, 
Murderers, Sex Crimes on the left, 
Arsonists, Drug Traffickers, Scam Artists, 
Tax Evaders,  Meth Freaks, Petty Freaks all
on the left, and then, when it seems I will 
never surface, Drunkards, Na'er-do-wells, 
Pan Handlers, Misbegotten, Those Who 
Lack Grace.  I park the car and push through 
the steel door and follow the corridors, 
the same pattern, Derelicts to the left, 
the Deranged, the Mindless, the Impulsive, 
the Compulsive Confessors of Dark Secrets, 
until the hall narrows to men and women 
splayed naked by their own choice -- women sleek 
as harbor seals, tumescent men sprinkled 
with glittery stars, fussing at their self-imposed 
scars like chimpanzees scouring their flesh.  
The last door opens to a room of tattooed 
men and women bound by chains scraping the floor.  
Black and white slides projected on the far wall 
show a splay-toed boy in a potato field, 
then talking to a mynah bird, then 
fishing in a rowboat.   A one-eyed Brutus 
shouts "Hey Don, there's someone here to see you" 
and then a man shuffles forward, the same 
silent man, the same oval name patch stitched 
to his green shirt, the same pencil planted 
behind his ear.  "I see you made it," he says, 
by which we both know we can go no farther.

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