Friday, October 20, 2006

1. This blog does not have headings, and so there is no distinctive visual cue to catch the eye. I miss that. Without that header, everything looks like bland text, just uniform letters and words, indistinguishable, words recklessly and carelessly tossed into hyperspace.

2. I kind of like the sestina below, but a blog is a terribly inflexible and unforgiving site for composing something like a sestina. The entry box is the size of an instant messenging window, and the word processor is definitely primitive--no color, no size options, no font options, no spacing--it's like writing on one of those primitive word processors from the early 80's, no WYSIWYG, but uniform letters and codes--you have to imagine what all of these codes will look like once they are executed. The composing is so small you can't see down or up much--you're limited to about 20 lines. You can't move easily, or edit or revise easily--it's clumsy, almost like returning to a typewriter. (More like returning to one of those gharish hybrid typewriters and computers that saved 3-6 lines of text at a time before you had to replenish the screen.)

3. A blog like this, black background, sans serif font, small print, desperately needs visual augmentation of some sort.

4. This blog looks infantile compared to the other two templates I'm using. Is it all about serif? About headers and color print? A less stark background? The column width is different, too.

5. Without headers or titles, the archival function seems minimized. I LIKE having a visual reminder of what I've written...

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