Wednesday, February 02, 2011


That magnificent speedboat,
all flame-colored and delicious,
all fluorescent-fiery-and-ablaze,
all quetzal-tailed fury-flaming
in the face of Quetzacoatl-
All low-rider rump-rumbling-in-the-jetty,
prowling the waterline like some obscene
a water-sprite plasma-spitting cornea-splitting-electrons fast!
It's so fast it's get-you-there-before-you-think-about-it fast!
It's transcend-the-boundaries-of-space-and-time fast!
And when it rears up and launches
like some comet spewing rooster tails
and double-helix waves in its ferocious wake --
well, it dares to disturb the universe.
Condo windows rattle!
Children's brains are jangled so hard
they learn how to read multivariate calculus instantly!
Meaning is wrenched free from the cages of alphabetic glyphs!
Grown men and old codgers weep
at the splendor, the memories
of their first kiss under the Perseid meteor shower, ardent desire stiffening!
If only you could climb into the saddle
and punch that motherfucker like some
heat-seeking missile all bare-assed and thrusting-
all-over-oblivion, it's the ejaculation
of ecstasy, the Aztec-sacrifice-heart-plucked-
serious! So fast that the rest of life is all entropic boredom,
a meaningless mechanistic universe, cold and
void, slow as molasses, obtuse chowderhead slow!,
humdrum ho-hum, think-nothing-of-it null set and its
indeterminate idiocy, how can you return to the world of null set
epiphenomena?, striations of boredom where time has died
in some horse-latitudes-no-hint-of-a-breath-of wind?
We're talking the end of all things both perfectly platonic
and stained by the world's cursed disappointments and irregularities.
This jellyfish brine-smear of on your face,
you're left in the backwash, the galactic firmament spray,
it's the interregnum between beauty and purpose
it's all beans-and-franks doldrums, what life
could possibly be worth living?, might as well
cash in your chips, it's over, and quite frankly,
let's face it, it's a relief..