It was his absence they desired
and they presumed he would take exile over poison.
He'd been out in the field playing with his junk,
doing his thespian thing.
Things never work out as they should.
Even Dionysus has his bad days.
It was his absence they desired
and they presumed he would take exile over poison.
He'd been out in the field playing with his junk,
doing his thespian thing.
Things never work out as they should.
Even Dionysus has his bad days.
the dalliance of wind
in palm trees cool
off Punta Rasa bay
we snowbirds
stumble out from pancakes
to lay out like sausages
sun-desperate savages
the osprey lighthouse
guardian of the cerulean
in his desperation
Hurricane Charlies
and cigarette boat wakes
lapping shore slapping
jacaranda and crushed mint
the lone swimmer, seal skin
glistening slow lapping
desire, habit, work
breaststroke desire
incipience! insouciance!
insolent somnambulance
the dolphin watch insistent
among the strangers
sweet melons cabanas
the soul's languish
ardor in latitudes, succulent
memories memory and flesh
languid bilabials
dispelling rumpled shame
unfurling in the wind
shoreline tides
whispering whispering
sucking, slurping the passionfruit
Aztec heat!
worshipping snowbirds
exaltant exultations
heed this raucous serenity, this
sleepwalking significance
luxuriant disorder
oleander, the jealousy
wind dalliance
in palm tree arousing
eros in sway, a blessing
lurid and bootylicious
banana thongs poolside
it's coming, commingling
abeyance in slatitude
the swansong surrender beware!
the surrender!
silky acquiescence
in the pent penitent slathering
of it all, surrender! relinquish!
sweet sunblind meditation
and succulence
meditative prurience
dying in the sun sky