Monday, January 25, 2010


It was his absence they desired

and they presumed he would take exile over poison.

He'd been out in the field playing with his junk,

doing his thespian thing.

Things never work out as they should.

Even Dionysus has his bad days.

Friday, January 22, 2010


You're in a garden cafe.  Let's say 
you're bathed in magnolias and 
sun, enjoying the jacarandas 
and the seared tuna, the pomegranate tea.
In the pastel blue above and everywhere,
black eagles circle on the updraft.  
The family beside you is 
Mediterranean, or "Middle Eastern," 
they explode syllables into their cells,
brag of "shelling" and "Florida."
It's the day after some refugee
set himself aflame like some 
conscientious monk, a jihad botched 
midflight to ecstasy.
The family under the jacaranda
cannot translate their desire, 
they want spinach pie and something
done well and everything on the side.  
Their little girl in pink shoes doesn't speak. 
She sings every word she hears, and dances
in ecstasy, flamingo flamingo flamingo!
The grandfather, gray haired and 
fierce, spies as you write down  these notes.   
You are American.  He doesn't know
that you're writing a poem. He suspects 
you watching him, keeping tabs, and 
you are, but it's the beauty 
that you cannot capture. Your eyes 
meet when you sign the bill.
You keep writing these notes, 
jacaranda, Mediterranean
lavender dust, ecstasy,
how the eagles circle lazily,
the honeyed taste of pomegranate
on your lips, the little girl
in pink shoes twirling among 
the patio chairs and singing
flamingo.  When she tumbles, he 
retrieves her from the lavender
flowers he pauses to glare -- is he 
hostile? embarrassed? self-conscious?
You smile at the girl's pink shoes 
and flamingo song, relieved 
to leave this incident, this tableau,
this menacing lexicon, this
delicate beauty.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


No one speaks English here--it's all
Dutch or Russian or German, some
jibber-jabber gibberish, fat men
in speedos and chains and banana thong
jouncing god knows everywhere!, 
women with dark stones for eyes, 
full breasts swaying like sweet hammocks,
skinny kids sprouting water wings 
and goggles, shivering in the sun
and cute-as-shit chasing mockingbirds 
among the palms.  The poolside music
blares Jamaican, Portuguese jazz, 
Eurotrash and Caribbean punk.
The lady holding court with Bombay gin 
in her cabana explains that the secret 
to her skin is to never be exposed -- 
"I've never had anything done," she chirps, 
repeatedly, like the mockingbirds 
riding the palm fronds, she's 48 
in her turquoise bikini and heels, 
a perfect specimen of a life 
of divorce and co-dependence 
betrayed by her ADD son who 
can't get a job--even the food is 
guttersnipe Cuban and California, 
Mexican esplanade, spicy prawns 
stuck on a cocktail sword, conch shell 
delicacies, tangeray mussels 
and merlot medallions, I'm perched
on the balcony watching the sun
set, drinking cerveza and sucking limes 
while the damned mockingbirds squawk 
and cavort -- there's no oysters or 
crab bisque or lobster rolls with mangoes 
here, it's all room service cheeseburgers 
and french fries, thank you, and my ticket 
out of here, the end of the decade 
as the sun dies and replays its elegy
below lavender and indigo 
blush, jesus!, just in time for the darkness 
and the stars and the cold wind off the gulf.  


Looking out is looking in.
Here in this tabernacle of glass
and pane, a sonata of hijinks
and scuttlebutt floats down the river's
skin, Eurydice's net, an ocelot of 
eyes, bent paint cans, lumber scum,
waterlogged seagulls, bloated
and ostentatious for their survival,
perilous islands where carp
and lovers' reflections from the bridge
drown in tabernacle ecstasy.
Oh!  The joy of unredemptive sun,
our post-modern covenant with
carnal undulations and the wind's
ululations, death and desire,
poached and slipping past
to catch and release, to sigh again.  

Friday, January 08, 2010


                        the dalliance of wind

            in palm trees cool

                                    off Punta Rasa bay



            we snowbirds

                        stumble out from pancakes

to lay out like sausages

                         sun-desperate savages



                        the osprey lighthouse

            guardian of the cerulean






            in his desperation




            Hurricane Charlies

and cigarette boat wakes

                        lapping shore slapping



jacaranda and crushed mint

                        the lone swimmer, seal skin

            glistening slow lapping



                        desire, habit, work

            breaststroke desire




incipience!          insouciance!

            insolent somnambulance



                        the dolphin watch insistent

            among the strangers

                                    sweet melons          cabanas



the soul's languish

            ardor in latitudes, succulent

memories          memory and flesh




            languid bilabials

                        dispelling rumpled shame

            unfurling in the wind



                        shoreline tides 

whispering            whispering

            sucking, slurping the passionfruit

                        Aztec heat!



            worshipping snowbirds

exaltant exultations

                        heed this raucous serenity, this

            sleepwalking significance



luxuriant disorder

                                    oleander, the jealousy

            wind dalliance

                        in palm tree arousing

eros in sway, a blessing

                        lurid and bootylicious



            banana thongs poolside

                        it's coming, commingling

abeyance in slatitude

            the swansong surrender              beware!



                        the surrender!

silky acquiescence

            in the pent penitent              slathering




                        of it all, surrender!         relinquish!

                                                sweet sunblind meditation



and succulence

                        meditative prurience

            dying in the sun sky
