Sunday, May 31, 2009


Just as the acolytes 
     lead the minister in 
          you betray your pew and

push back the choir milling
     in their robes,  they nod, piously, 
          laying their blessings on you.

Outside a sea of shepherds,
    penitents in rags, drunkards
         and google-eyed idiots

with their praying hands, 
     god's messengers reaching
          to baptise you in the 

divine cosmos.  You dash 
     through mustard fields, 
          Judas stumbling in ditches 

and fall under the grace 
     of cedars in the potters
          field and waken in the deep 

dew weeds, the firmament 
     staring down from god's eye,
          an eclipse, the heavens 

bathing you in the sweat 
     of the Lord's kiss and last 
          benediction, the radiance

of disorder.  "This 
     is what Lewis Carroll 
          meant!" you stammer 

to the night and all its 
     holiness.  "This is the 
          rare light, the revelation!,   

the illuminata!"  And now
     it's your burden to pass.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


You've been spit out, washed ashore here, 
like Gulliver in the land of Lilliputians
except there are no Lilliputians here,
only the wreck of someone's life, plastic
deck chairs, heaps of rags rescued from 
the gulf, sodden books and papers.  
All you know is a cartoon -- waking 
bloated and coughing on the beach,
waves and foam washing over you.  
You spend the morning gathering 
palm fronds and coconuts, arranging 
them in giant letters, but instead of 
forming words to be deciphered 
by rescue planes you spell existential 
questions driven mad by horse flies 
and gooney birds.  The fish here suck, 
rotting silver scalawags, and 
the seaweed tastes like seaweed, 
there's no mangoes or pomegranates here,
brother. You're stuck here, lost in 
the horse latitudes.  You started this
by looking for maps corked in 
tequila bottles, but you traveled 
beyond terra incognita and 
wouldn't recognize home now if 
you arrived by raft.  No, there's no
turning back! No Eureka! No 
at last I am found!  No long-lost 
friends embracing you!  All is forgiven!  
You learn to like it here in the 
detritus, you learn to like it
as it is, to take what you're given, 
or lump it, and lumping is what 
you're doing

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Speech delivered words 
no one heard

I died and 
went to 

Plaintive birdsong
evokes feeling
long denied

Searching for 
what cannot be 

O I wish 
that wasn't so!

Regret for the symphony not played

The soul stranded 
on Highway 31 

Lost book--the one 
that mattered

It was pop song love, dear

A necklace of candy!  
Sweet revenge 

Facebook wall & cafeteria ghoulash!  Splendid!

Untitled Narrative

She cut herself and 
we all noticed

The rivers of blood 
terrified us

There was no 
flood, only damage

at night 
we wondered, 

There were no
answers, only questions.

lurking in 
corridors, lacking courage

Could it 
spread?  We 
were blind.

we all cut 
in private

Rivulets of 
life, fear 
trickling through

Skin was 
a numb threshold, 

All rivers 
don't seek the sea

It's dread, really, 
that joins us

Alone, but 
in unison, seeking 

we realized, shit, this 